House Doctor Costa Blanca

Don’t try to go it alone when purchasing a home in Spain: get property purchase support

“When you stand on top of that mountain and look around, it is quiet, except for the sound of the occasional car coming by every hour or so. We stood there, looked at each other and said, this is our place! ““We live in Brabant, in the Netherlands, but enjoy going on holiday to Denía on the Costa Blanca. During a drive through the mountains last year we saw an old fort that had always been owned by the Guardia Civil, the Spanish military police. It was for sale. Then last summer when we passed it again, it was still for sale. We contacted the real estate agent and it turned out it had dropped considerably in price. We wanted to buy a house in Spain and felt that now it could be within our reach! ”[vc_single_image image=”6297″]“Behind the old gate, lays a courtyard with a beautiful patio. There are 8 apartments on that courtyard. An exciting and beautiful place. Have you ever had that experience that you go somewhere and think: this feels right? That’s what we have with this place. Whilst taking a break, we visited the local swimming pool where many Spaniards and their families were eating and drinking. The Spanish way of life immediately felt familiar to us. ”

“It is too big and too complex to do the purchase of such a house in Spain all by yourself. We called around and were referred to Ronald and Annemarie from the House Doctor Costa Blanca. Ronald provides property purchasing support and also construction and project management from Jávea on the Costa Blanca. He suggested coming with us to take a look. It is an hour’s drive from Jávea for him which would make it difficult for him to facilitate construction management. But all that changed when he got there. He too was quite enchanted by this building! ”“The village of Quatretondeta is very authentic. It really exudes the atmosphere of old Spain and the feeling of being on holiday. The old barracks of the Guardia Civil are located on the property. We thought we were beach people, but now we are happy with this new place in the mountains. We look out over the Sierra. Those mountains are so breathtaking and big, they rise out above everything else. ”

“After the introductory visit to Javea, Ronald said he wanted to set things in motion for us. We were very happy with that. We have now returned home from Spain and it is nice to have someone on site who knows how to do business locally. Through his property purchasing support, Ronald ensures that the entire spectrum of the housing market becomes more transparent. In Spain, it is rather ambiguous and not everyone works in a pleasant, ethical way. He also immediately provided good input by suggesting to take along a technical architect and a contractor to get an initial report on the state of the building. This showed that a major investigation of the foundation and structure had to be done to know for certainty whether the building was worth investing in. That turned out to be the case. He helped us further by acting as our purchasing agent in the negotiations and by keeping in touch with the realtor. Partly because of him and the technical reports, we were able to considerably reduced the purchase amount. ”[vc_single_image image=”6300″]”The offer for “Casa Madrettor” has now been accepted, but we don’t yet have all the means to buy and renovate it. To accomplish this, we have now started crowdfunding among friends, acquaintances, and investors. Now, is a good time to invest in real estate in Spain, so we assume that it will work out. ”

Meanwhile, Ronald will handle the property purchase support, together with the lawyer and to the notary. And then later the House Doctor will do the construction management for us, and the architects and the contractor will get to work. ”

“We won’t move to Spain before it is all finished. We are going to divide the apartments that are there and convert them into holiday homes. We will ensure that there are studios as well as different apartments for both small and large groups. That too was ​​Ronald’s idea. For example, people who go on a walking or cycling holiday in Spain must feel at home with us. Being on holiday together and then cooking together in the evening or the sauna. Or look out over the mountains with a drink. That is of course also allowed. We hope that we can open the doors in 2021 and receive the first guests. ”
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